Fa La La
CHORUS:Fa la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Fa la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
I'll be up your flue in a minute or two,
'Cause I know where to find it.
It's around the front and it's called the c**t,
And the asshole's right behind it.
My darling Grace, I love your face,
I love you in your nightie.
When the moonlight flits across your tits,
Oh, Jesus Christ Almighty.
I'll be up your gash as quick as a flash,
'Cause I am Jack the Ripper.
Though some have hairs -and some are bald,
But they all smell like a kipper.
I'll be between your thighs despite your lies,
Because you love me deary.
I'll be up and down and in and out,
Until you are too weary.
You'll be on your knees and begging please,
Because you are so horny.
I'll be round about and up your spout,
And gone before the morning.
The very best time I ever had,
Is when I take out Lucy.
'Cause after we dine and after we dance,
I get to eat her pussy.